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Ecclesistical & Heritage World No. 102

Ecclesiastical & Heritage World JTC Roofing Contractors Ltd

Heritage Roofing

Heritage roofing - maintaining our iconic buildings

The UK is home to some of the most iconic buildings in the world, from stunning churches and cathedrals to historic stately homes. Each and every one of these remarkable feats of architecture requires regular maintenance to ensure they remain in the very best condition, allowing them to be enjoyed for generations.


Cathedral Care

Restoration and upkeep of cathedrals

There are some 42 Anglican cathedrals in the UK, not to mention 20 or so Catholic cathedrals. Cathedrals form the most important collection of historic buildings in England. The largest and most ancient are internationally famous, the smallest are usually among the most significant buildings in their region and even the most recent are architectural masterpieces.


Master Craftsmen

Championing our heritage with modern craftsmanship

Twenty years ago, English Heritage (now Historic England) published its first-ever Register of Buildings at Risk across England, which featured nearly 2,000 buildings and monuments that were ‘neglected, broken and unloved’. Recently Historic England was delighted to announce that over two-thirds of those buildings were now safe, in both urban and rural areas right across the country.


Traditional Lime

Lime: it’s better for buildings – and for the environment

It is now fairly well known that cement is not good for old buildings and that lime mortar should be used. But why? What are the advantages and what are the disadvantages? In order to begin to answer those questions it is necessary to understand the nature of traditional building, the process by which buildings used to be built, and how it differs from modern construction, the process by which we build today.


Audio Visual

Audio visual equipment in church buildings

This guidance is issued by the Church Buildings Council under section 55(1)(d) of the Dioceses, Mission and Pastoral Measure 2007. As it is statutory guidance, it must be considered with great care. The standards of good practice set out in the guidance should not be departed from unless the departure is justified by reasons that are spelled out clearly, logically and convincingly.


CRE Events

Exhibitors enthuse over the CRE experience

By 4pm on the first day of CRE 24 at the Marshall Arena in Milton Keynes, exhibitors Chris and Kim Dunphy had already had so many helpful and detailed conversations with visitors that they were “completely talked out”.



Church Insurance | Ecclesiastical

Church insurance risk

You need to ensure that reasonable precautions are in place at your church to keep it safe for those who use it. To do this, you need to think about what might cause harm to people.

You will then need to decide if the precautions already in place are adequate. If they are not, you may need to identify further action to prevent any danger. When done formally, this is known as a risk assessment.


Church Maintenance

Church maintenance and repair: Calendar of Care

Just as prevention is always better than cure, maintenance is preferable to major repairs. But, such repairs may not always be avoidable. Church Care offers a monthly guide in our coming issues Starting in Spring

We can help you understand the common problems and areas that need your special attention, and give you tips for regular maintenance schemes.


Pest Control

Michael Palin warns of pest threat to churches

Michael Palin is supporting the future of the UK’s historic churches and chapels with a voiceover for a new animated film. The 80 second animation, produced for the National Churches Trust, highlights why churches are some of the nation’s best loved buildings.


Town Halls

The history of the great Victorian Town Halls of Northern England

From industrial squalor to civic pride, the story behind some of the most impressive buildings of the North involve a unique mix of economics, grand designs and noble sentiments within communities.


Lead Roofing

The benefits of lead roofing

Lead is one of the oldest materials in the roofing industry and is still commonly used throughout the world today.

Lead roofing is a traditional roofing method which has been used in the industry for hundreds of years, and is therefore proven to be extremely reliable. Lead roofing, and sand-cast lead, in particular is ideal for old buildings such as churches or historical renovations, whereas milled lead roofing is a mass-produced alternative, used for precision and accuracy in homes and commercial buildings alike.


Lightning Protection

When lightning strikes are you protected against this act of God?

The issue of lightning protection in churches is one that has exercised this publication for many years. In this four-part series of spotlights on the issue we will be revisiting various aspects of the subject, beginning with an overview of current thinking.



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What is a new audio-visual system going to cost me?

26 11 API picStephen Neath of APi Communications, addresses a thorny question.

Church and heritage buildings require constant maintenance and upkeep, which can make it hard to budget for a new audio-visual system.

Part of the reason it can be so hard to prepare for the outlay is that pricing information is not readily available. So, as we celebrate the 21st anniversary of the beginning of our journey in providing bespoke AV systems for all our customers, we will try to answer the question: what does a new AV system cost?

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Summer proves the ideal time to replace church boilers

S2h5swiThe Parish Church of St Michael and All Angels in Tettenhall Regis, Wolverhampton looks at first sight to be a traditional listed church building. It is sited in one of two manors in Tettenhall parish, the other being Tettenhall Clericorum.

It is indeed Grade Two listed. But that belies a secret. In 1950 a terrible fire virtually destroyed the old church, leaving only the 16th-century tower and Victorian porch standing.

The church was rebuilt between the two extremities, in the modern Gothic style, creating a delightful hybrid of ancient and modern, which was consecrated in April 1955.

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Exhibitors enthuse over the CRE experience

tlVYxpB 1By 4pm on the first day of CRE 24 at the Marshall Arena in Milton Keynes, exhibitors Chris and Kim Dunphy had already had so many helpful and detailed conversations with visitors that they were “completely talked out”.

Chris, founder of ChurchEcoMiser, will now make several site visits to churches over the next few months – introducing them to the company’s eco-friendly heating system. In spite of two long days interacting with hundreds of visitors, Chris and Kim – along with more than 60 other organisations – have already booked their stand at CRE 25, taking place on 15-16 October at Sandown Park in Surrey.

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Trust gives grants to 12 Yorkshire churches

Wellspring St Stephens BradfordTwelve churches from across Yorkshire are celebrating this month after receiving just under £80,000 from the Yorkshire Historic Churches Trust, a charity that helps churches in Yorkshire to preserve and repair their buildings through offering grants for repairs and maintenance.

The funding was awarded to a range of church and chapels from all corners of the region, from Hornsea to Halifax and Leyburn to Bradford, and included Methodist chapels, United Reformed and Church of England churches.

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Get noticed – with stylish boards that are environmentally friendly

Greenbarnes pic1One of the UK’s leading UK notice board manufacturers is Greenbarnes. They have an innovative yet traditional approach to delivering quality noticeboards, signage and street furniture. In 1990 they became the first company to revive the manufacture of wooden village boards, establishing themselves as a pioneer in transforming the industry into what it is today.

Catering to an ever-expanding market, the company offers a wide range of boards, both standard designs and custom-built. All are available to order at www.greenbarnes.co.uk. The site is interactive, allowing visitors to choose from a range of features available to select digitally and add to baskets or wishlists.

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Church facilities get welcome upgrade

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Clapton’s United Reformed Church – The Round House – is a busy hub for the local community and homeless. Kent-based Hyssop Project were commissioned by the church to upgrade its male and female toilets. As well as ensuring a high standard of finish, the brief was to provide both a durable and cost-effective solution.

Company founder Sheahan Thorne takes up the story: "We stripped out all the existing units, including urinals, toilets and basins, replaced pipework and removed the vinyl flooring. Essential electrical work was carried out to relocate lighting and fuse spurs in line with current NIC Regulations. We also installed recessed wafer-thin (12mm) light panels and new Vent Axia hand dryers.

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Lead contracting industry presents its annual Murdoch Awards

Murdoch Awards pic1The Murdoch Awards have long been recognised as a symbol of excellence for those engaged in the leadwork industry, and the awards ceremony continues to be a highlight of the leadwork sector’s calendar.

Without a doubt, every passing year poses a greater challenge for the judging panel tasked with selecting the recipient of one of the prestigious awards. Members submit only their finest projects for entry, making the competition extremely fierce. Considering that, it becomes easy to understand why winning a Murdoch Award is regarded as the ultimate accolade for any lead craftsperson.

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What a brick! Steve retires after 36 years at York Handmade

8njgqKNSteve Pittham, the longest-serving employee at the award-winning York Handmade Brick Company, has retired.

Steve joined York Handmade, based at Alne, near Easingwold, when it was formed in in 1988. As Works Manager, he was responsible for running the company’s factory.

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Milestone church gets 21st-century upgrade

08 11 Richard King pic1In 1895 there were about 100 Catholics in the Colwyn Bay area and Mass was celebrated in a private house in the town. However, on Sunday Mass was celebrated in a large room in the Imperial Hotel.

The year 1898 was a milestone for the Colwyn Bay Mission. In January of that year, at the invitation of the bishop, the Oblates of Mary Immaculate – a priestly order – took charge of the mission. The order is still serving the parish today.

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Union Chapel launches free heritage workshops

fuG4AiWUnion Chapel, one of Islington’s most cherished historic venues, is excited to announce the launch of monthly Heritage Building Workshops as part of its Sunday School Stories Project. This new initiative invites 18-year-old plus participants to learn practical conservation skills while celebrating the unique heritage of the Chapel's Grade I and II* listed architecture.

Starting this November, these free taster workshops will provide hands-on training in carpentry, roofing, brickwork, and plastering to understand the craft of restoration and renovation. Delivered in collaboration with Fullers Builders, who are currently working on the conservation and retrofit of the Chapel’s Sunday School Hall, the sessions aim to inspire and upskill DIY fans as well as beginners or those who may not have previously considered heritage or building industries, as well as underrepresented communities with limited access to the heritage and the arts scenes in Islington.

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Royton Town Hall restoration uncovers hidden treasures as community welcomes transformation

c5da954473164157982285e27a5d762cIn September, Royton Town Hall re-opened its doors following a complete restoration. The community has welcomed the transformation, which has included a new-look library, community space and a new garden area.

Bringing the much-loved landmark back to its original glory was at the heart of the project. The town hall's many Victorian features now have pride of place, including some which came as a brilliant surprise...

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Painstaking effort reveals vibrancy of murals

c0LuumQDuring the 1950s the sanctuary of the Grade Two-listed Oratory Church of St Aloysius Gonzaga was reconfigured, the high altar was simplified and moved forward and all the polychrome decoration was over-painted. To restore its lost beauty, two large murals by Gabriel Pippet have now been uncovered. Polly Westlake, conservator at Cliveden Conservation, explains more about the project.

The Grade Two-listed Oratory Church of St Aloysius Gonzaga was built in 1875 by architect Joseph Hansom and uses beauty to raise hearts and minds to God, faithful to the traditions of St Philip Neri and St John Henry Newman. The Fathers of the Oratory plan to return this beauty to the public by restoring the original plan of the sanctuary ahead of the church’s 150th celebrations in 2025. That will include installing a beautiful new high altar, restoring the nave and extending the church.

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Hinowa spider boom ‘vital’ for conserving ancient cathedral for future generations

aps winch 1A cathedral that dates back almost 1,000 years is being maintained in a condition that promises to see it thrive as a place of worship for centuries to come with the help of a Hinowa spider lift.

Expert teams dedicated to conserving Winchester Cathedral, in Hampshire, are using the Hinowa Lightlift 14.70 IIIS for multiple maintenance tasks inside and outside the ancient building.

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Which screen solution is best for you?

Wf6Y14HRob Alvis of Creative Audio-Visual Solutions (CAVS) looks at the latest developments

In the past there have been numerous articles where comparisons have been made between projection and TV-style displays. Now that there has been a number of notable technology developments within all sectors, it seems a good time to revisit the subject.

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St Leonard's Church gets clear sound throughout - for those with and without hearing aids

St. Leonard s Church

Nestled in a picturesque Somerset village, St. Leonard’s is a charming rural parish church commanding beautiful views over the surrounding countryside. The site and some parts of the structure are believed to date back to the 14th century. It has been designated by English Heritage as a Grade II-listed building.

As part of a project to modernise and conserve the building, it was decided to upgrade the existing public announcement (PA) system and install an induction loop system.

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Mosaics restoration at St Thomas Church, Isle of Man


Liverpool-based Heritage Tiling & Restoration Co were contacted by the Reverend Sid Mourant BD of St Thomas Church in the Diocese of Sodor & Man (IOM) in 1995 to undertake restoration of the Grade One-listed church's mosaics. Company owner Steve Sinnott takes up the story:

"The main focus of our restoration contract was the full size figure of St Thomas, depicted holding a representation of the church in his arms. The figure's face had been obliterated, to stop further damage, and the face area had been filled in with car body filler, white plaster and polyfiller! Unfortunately not one photograph of the Saint could be found, so I worked out the general look of the Saint's face based on the hundreds I had seen and depicted him as being somewhat mournful as that is the typical expression of most Saints' faces I have seen - not seen a happy or smiling one as yet!

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New partnership with SIG Roofing expands training provision

25 09NCTS pic1National Construction Training Services (NCTS) has now partnered with SIG Roofing to provide even greater UK coverage of its courses and qualifications. On offer will be a five-day lead welding and bossing course and technical seminars. The initial programme will be delivered from SIG’s Cardiff, Dudley and Dundee branches.

The technical seminars are aimed at those supervising the installation of leadwork or those responsible for specifying. The seminars will include a theoretical session combined with hands-on practical appreciation in the workshop.

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