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Ecclesistical & Heritage World No. 102

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Unleashing innovation: ISCVEx 2024 – where sound, communications and visual technologies converge

5X5A2921eCoventry Warwickshire, UK – The Institute of Sound, Communications and Visual Engineers (ISCVE) is delighted to announce the annual return of its acclaimed event, ISCVEx 2024. Scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday, 19-20 March 2024 at the Coombe Abbey Hotel, near Coventry, Warwickshire, the event boasts a blend of informative and networking opportunities for industry professionals.

AGM and Inspiring Presentation

ISCVE's Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Members’ Day are set to feature a captivating presentation by esteemed member, Jason Williams MInstSCVE. Williams will address the intriguing complexities tied to environmental and conservation project work. His insights promise to be a highlight of the well-rounded programme kicking off the two-day event.

5X5A2342eNetworking Dinner and The Pub Choir

In keeping with its tradition of blending learning with enjoyment, for the evening preceding the exhibition, ISCVE is hosting its Networking Dinner. This year guests are treated to a heartening performance by The Pub Choir, setting the stage for a night of fun and camaraderie.

A Day of Exhibitions and Seminars

The next day focus shifts towards knowledge sharing and industry advancements. Three key seminars, each presented by leading figures within their field, will share valuable perspectives and spark dialogues on pivotal industry topics.

Running concurrently to the seminars, an exclusive exhibition featuring over 30 industry manufacturers and distributors is expected to attract industry professionals, who will convene to explore and engage with the latest developments and offerings in sound, communications and audio-visual technologies.

5X5A2590eISCVEx Event in Summary:

  • AGM and Members' Day: Engage with ISCVE members and revel in illuminating discussions.
  • Networking Dinner: Connect with peers against the backdrop of invigorating live entertainment.
  • Dynamic Seminars: Hear from top-tier speakers and enrich your industry knowledge.
  • Exhibition: Discover cutting-edge products and innovations from over 30 top industry players.

ISCVE is committed to facilitating a conducive environment for industry progression and network building. As such, members of the media, ISCVE members and non-members, and industry professionals are encouraged to participate in what is poised to be an eventful intersection of education and industry showcase.

For further information visit iscve.org.uk